Status dostępności:
Wypożyczalnia Dobrcz
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Strefa uwag:
Tyt. oryg.: XO, 2012.
Tyt. oryg.: I've got your number, 2012.
Tyt. oryg.: House of silk : a Sherlock Holmes novel, 2011.
Tyt. oryg.: Women and children first : they survived the Titanic but their lives were changed forever, 2012.
Uwaga ogólna
Opis wg grzb. Tyt oryg.: "XO" 2012, "I've got your number" 2012, "The house of silk : a Sherlock Holmes novel" 2011, "Women and children first : they survived the Titanic but their lives were changed forever" 2012. Na książce pseud. aut. drugiego utworu, nazwa: Madeleine Wickham. Na s. przytyt.: Bestsellery Reader's Digest.
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